Becoming Productive!

Nidhi Jadhav
4 min readSep 15, 2019


I’ve been a huge procrastinator for my entire life, and honestly, I hate it. Every single assignment, from those I have entire semesters to complete or the 90 minutes during standardized testing, I find a way to procrastinate and put it off. And each time I do this, I dig myself deeper into the habit of wasting time that I’m never going to get back.

I’ve realized that this is in no way shape or form, a healthy or even acceptable habit. I’m trying to become more aware and productive with how I spend my time, to improve my future. After all, time is more precious than money!

The #1 Problem: Procrastination

Stop procrastinating. Just stop. It doesn’t do anyone any good. Sure, in the end you may get what you have to do, done, but at what cost? You’re just wasting your valuable time on pointless things.

The 4 hours and 23 minutes you spent scrolling through Instagram sitting on your couch (true numbers taken from my Screen Time on my phone), you could’ve spent writing your APUSH essay due in 48 hours. This is a true story.

I had literally the ENTIRE summer to write my APUSH essay, but instead I spent my time hanging out with friends, on my phone, or just doing activities that would give me “instant gratification,” not anything valuable in the long term.

Even as I was having fun and really wasting my time, trying to delay the inevitable, I felt incredibly guilty, since I knew there were better things that I should be doing. In the end, I pulled 2 all-nighters, drank 8 shots of espresso, cried, had mental breakdowns over my introduction, topic sentences, and conclusions, and somehow managed to finish it.

Don’t let this be you!

Now this is just 1 of the hundreds of times I have procrastinated, and one of the millions of times people in my school have, and one of the billions of times citizens in the US have, and, well, you get the idea. Just think about all the things we could have accomplished as a community if we had just gotten to work!

This is a MUST WATCH.

Tips on Being Productive

Pareto Principle

The principle states that 20% (or the minority of a population) is responsible for making up 80% of the output. Think of it like, if you’re working on multiple projects, focus your time on the one that will yield the most results.

Make Decisions

When making decisions be decisive about them. Being able to make a decision and move forward will help you be more productive. It’s also important that you stick with your decision, and put in 100% into making sure that it’s the best version that it can every be.

Scheduling Time

Set aside 1–2 hours with 10 minutes breaks every 30 minutes when working/studying. Create a daily routine, in order to set aside time that is devoted to being productive.

Get Rid of Distractions

Get rid of them! Today’s modern world is made to distract us, with hundreds of thousands of apps and shows competing for our attention. Do not give in! Get rid of your phone and move to Nepal and become a monk. Or just turn off your phone and put it in another room. It’s your choice, whatever works best for you.

Set Goals

Setting goals allows you to see your long term vision and gives you motivation. By writing and/or verbalizing them, you’ll hold yourself even more accountable for making sure that you complete them.


Stopping procrastination and actually doing something useful with our time is hard, I get it. I mean I want to start my own tech company, revolutionize an industry, and make the world a better place and all that, but Friends is also leaving Netflix, so I should probably rewatch the entire show for a 3rd time before it goes away, right?

I’m not gonna tell you the answer, that’s up to you to figure out. But let me just ask you this, for whatever tough call you’re wrestling with. A day, month, or a couple of years down the line, what is going to help you achieve your goals? What is going to make you feel proud and accomplished at the end of the day?

Is your life going to be the one where you wasted it away or actually worked hard with an amazing payoff? I have already made my decision for what and how I want to live my life starting now. What are you going to do?



Nidhi Jadhav
Nidhi Jadhav

Written by Nidhi Jadhav

Hi! I’m Nidhi Jadhav. I am 20 years old and incredibly interested in new emerging technologies, like AI and Quantum Computing.

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